SAP Certification: Overview and Careers

The SAP Conglomerate

An international company specializing in enterprise business software, SAP offers a range of services from supplier relationship management to enterprise resource planning, and many more. The company originated in 1972 in Waldorf, Germany, created by a group of five IBM engineers who desired to provide the world of business management with an integrated standardized software for its various processes.

Human resources

To date, SAP counts over 77000 employees within its ranks, and provides assistance to more than 300000 customers. To ensure the very best services towards its customers, SAP offers a large program of certification and client support. Spread throughout the world are more than 350000 professionals certified under SAP.

Solution categories

There are 13 solution categories under the SAP, and professionals receive training in the category of their choice. The advantage offered by the SAP certification course for professionals can be seen by the variety of jobs available to SAP certified individuals the world over.

Certifications offered

The SAP certification program offers over 170 certifications. The certification is usually available at different levels:
Professional: Individuals with expert knowledge and work experience with the SAP.
Associate: Newcomers who are not very familiar with SAP aside from basic knowledge.
Specialist: A step above associates who have proven to be skilled in a specific niche or role.

Exam specifics

Associate exam: 80 multiple choice questions, 3 hours to completion, 500 USD cost.
Professional exam: 80 multiple choice questions, 3 hours to completion, 750 USD cost.Specialist exam: 40 questions, 2 hours to completion, 243 USD cost.
The SAP certification in the cloud program offers six exams in one year for 575 USD.


SAP certified professionals have found employment within a range of industries in various capacities, from business analysts, IT developers, team leaders, training gurus, to power brokers and executive consultants. SAP offers certification to any and every IT professional looking to bolster his credentials with the SAP tag.

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